

2016-08-26    13'13''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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本期主持人:忘忧草爱西城@流利说新闻组 想提高英语,请下载“英语流利说” 如果喜欢听国内外新闻,记得订阅“新闻流利说”吧! ----------------------------------------- 重难点摘要: 1.Dairy industry recovering from scandals: Report 中国乳制品行业最新调查报告 Official spot checks last year showed 99.5 percent of dairy products were up to standard and no illegal additives, such as melamine [ˈmeləmi:n], had been detected for 7 consecutive years, the report said. Some major indicators, including nutrient content, exceeded the standards of the United States, Europe and Australia. 去年官方的实地调查显示,99.5%的乳制品达到了标准且不含非法添加剂,比如三聚氰胺。报告中说,(相关部门)已经连续7年对三聚氰胺这样的非法添加剂进行了监测。一些主要的指标,包括营养成分,已经超过了美国、欧洲和澳大利亚的标准。 2.Shanghai land sold at highest price on record 上海地价再创新高 A land parcel in central Shanghai sold at a record-breaking price of 11.01 billion yuan ($1.66 billion) on Wednesday. This means the housing price will be estimated at more than 150,000 yuan per square meter when the residential project is completed. 在周三,位于上海市中心的一块地创纪录地拍出了110.1亿元(约合16.6亿美元)天价。这意味着,这片地上的房子盖好之后,每平方米房价将超过15万元。 3.Apple ups China bet with first research and development center 苹果公司要在中国建立研发中心 During a visit to Beijing, Apple (AAPL, Tech30) CEO Tim Cook said the tech giant plans to open its first research and development center located in China by the end of this year, according to state media. 根据官方媒体消息,在一次对北京的访问中,苹果公司CEO Tim Cook表示科技巨头(苹果公司)将会在今年年底在中国建立第一个研发中心。 The company's sales in the China region fell by a third last quarter, but Cook has continued to talk up the long-term prospects there. 在上个季度,苹果在大中华区的销售业绩下滑了三分之一,但是Cook不断提及在中国长期发展前景。 4.Ikea to launch e-commerce business model in Shanghai 宜家准备在上海启动电商业务 As a pilot program, the delivery services will be limited to Shanghai for the moment. All of its ready-to-assemble furniture, appliances and home accessories, except for food and green plants, will be sold online. Ikea plans to expand its e-commerce services across the country if the trial run is successful. 作为一个先锋项目,在线购买的配送服务目前仅限于上海。所有的组装家具、电器和居家装饰,除了食品和绿色植物,都将在线上销售。如果这次试验计划成功,宜家计划将电商服务扩展到全国。 5.Yi Jianlian reportedly has signed with Lakers 据传易建联已和湖人签约 "In order to help Yi seize this opportunity to play at the highest stage of (the basketball) world and unfold his capability, and in order to help Yi fulfill his dream and goal, we are offering our unconditional support and cooperation to Yi to make sure he joins the Lakers. Best wishes to Yi for his bright future in the NBA," Guangdong said in a statement on Wednesday. “为了帮助易建联抓住这个机会,让他能够在世界上篮球的最高级战场较量、发挥出自己的能力,也为了帮助易建联实现自己的梦想和目标,我们为易建联提供无条件的支持和配合,确保他能够加入湖人队。愿易建联在NBA一切都好,前途一片光明。”