1. 处女座 ♍
Virgo 处女座
OCD — Obsessive-compulsive disorder
obsessive: He is obsessive about tidying his room.
They set very high standards in anything they consider important and can be critical of others whose standards don’t reach their own.
2. dropout/drop out 离经叛道者,中途退学者;退出,脱离
He is one of the dropouts.
He dropped out of college when he was a junior.
3. go south ⬇
Everything was going south for him at that time.
4. a fish out of water 离水之鱼,浑身不自在
I feel like a fish out of water when I am speaking in public.
5. a dream job 理想的工作
bring home the bacon 养家糊口
He is the one that brings home the bacon.
a dead-end job 没有希望的工作
Nobody wants a dead-end job.
6. cost an arm and a leg
The housing in Shanghai costs an arm and a leg.
7. be/fall head over heels for someone
Tank fell head over heels for Sodagreen.
the love of someone’s life
We all need to find the love of our life.
soulmate 灵魂伴侣 (when pigs fly表示什么事情不大可能发生)
When pigs fly, I will find my soulmate.
8. fair-weather friends
He is just a fair-weather friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情
through thick and thin 任何情况下
Family members should stay together through thick and thin.