必知短语- “get up to” 是什么意思?

必知短语- “get up to” 是什么意思?

2017-01-30    01'35''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to 英语开眼界
Today, we’re going to learn a very useful expression What are you getting up to? “What are you getting up to?” means “what are you doing” 就是你在做什么,或者你打算做什么的意思 Let’s have a look at some example sentences 1. What are you getting up to this weekend? 你这个周末打算干什么? 2. Why are you hiding in the corner? What are you getting up to? 你为什么躲在角落?你在干什么? 3. I haven’t seen Peter for ages! What’s he getting up to these days? 我好久都没见Peter了! 他最近都在干什么? Thanks for listening everyone. Now it’s your turn to practice. Leave me a voice message below! ******** 想学到更多更地道的英文? 别忘了关注我 (点击我的用户名) 我是来自澳洲的华裔老师,有五年的丰富教学经验,深度了解中国学生学英语的困难,常犯错误。可以用最标准的口音为你们讲解。 Keep practicing and see you next time!