

2017-02-13    04'15''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

134 9

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hello,大家好,我是你们的小Tina。今天是由你们的男神哥哥Jesse Pinkman和女神橘扎Miko带来的一首超级帅气,颜值爆表的歌曲《closer》。这首歌在去年8月上升至美国公告牌百强单曲榜的首位,并分别成为烟鬼组合和海尔希第一支在该榜拿下冠军的单曲。这首歌的旋律啊,绝对是听一遍就爱上的那种,好好享受一下吧! 歌名:Closer 原唱:安德鲁·塔格特&海尔希 翻唱:Jesse Pinkman&橘扎Miko 背景音乐:The truth that you leave
 Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you 嘿 遇到你之前我一切安好 Drank too much and that's an issue 虽酩酊大醉 看上去一团糟 But I'm okay 但我感觉很好 Hey, tell your friends it was nice to meet them 嘿 告诉你的朋友很高兴和他们相遇 But I hope I never see them again 但我希望再也看不到他们的身影 I know it breaks your heart 我知道这会伤了你的心 Move to the city in a broke down car and 驾着一辆破汽车 驶向一座陌生的城市 Four years no call 一去四年 杳无音讯 Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar and 现在你的美貌闪耀在酒吧的聚光灯下 I can't stop 我忍俊不禁 No, I can't stop 浮想联翩 So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover 宝贝 同我咫尺之遥 在你后座上耳语呢喃 如胶似漆 That I know you can't afford 于这辆永远付不起的路虎车上 Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 让我的舌尖滑过你肩上的纹身 Pull the sheets right off the corner 迫不及待的推开车里的钢板 Of the mattress that you stole 放上舒适的床垫让你我共缠绵 From your roommate back in Bolander 那张你从伯兰德的室友那偷来的床垫 We ain't ever getting older 今夜我们青春永葆 We ain't ever getting older 我们的青春永不褪色 We ain't ever getting older 我们的青春永不褪色 Who? Look as good as the day I met you 回首过去我遇到你的那日多美好 I forget just why I left you, I was insane 我也忘记我为何离你而去 大概是脑子一热 Stay, and play that Blink-182 song 彻夜未眠 放着Blink-182(乐队)的歌 That we beat to death in Tuscon 那曲我们曾在图森恣意敲打的节奏 I'm okay 如今我一切安好 I know it breaks your heart 我知道这会伤了你的心 这首歌讲述了一对昔日恋人偶然碰面追忆过往,歌词的中流露出了他们的后悔与惋惜。相比烟鬼组合早期的音乐,这首歌在适中的节奏感中加入了抒情风格,节奏轻快,歌词朗朗上口,算是一首体现当代年轻人恋爱的潮歌!