The Hokey Pokey

The Hokey Pokey

2016-07-14    01'55''

主播: 泡泡屋优效家庭

8023 62

You put your right hand in, 把右手放进来 (把右手伸出去) You put your right hand out, 把右手收回去(右手收回来) You put your right hand in, 把右手放进来 (右手伸出去) And you shake it all about. 摇摇摆摆 (晃动右手) You do the Hokey Pokey 再来点活力魄力 (双手举高,伸出食指。两只手一高一低交替上下) And you turn yourself around, 转一个圈 (两只手继续交替上下,同时身体转圈) That&`&s what it&`&s all about. 就是这样的简单 (放下双手,准备下一轮动作) You put your left hand in, 把左手放进来 (左手伸出去) You put your left hand out, 把左手收回去 (左手收回来) You put your left hand in, 把左手放进来 (左手伸出去) And you shake it all about. 摇摇摆摆 (晃动左手) You do the Hokey Pokey 再来点活力魄力 (双手举高,伸出食指。两只手一高一低交替上下) And you turn yourself around, 转一个圈 (两只手继续交替上下,同时身体转圈) That&`&s what it&`&s all about. 就是这样的简单 (放下双手,准备下一轮动作) You put your right foot in, 把右脚放进来 (右脚伸出去) You put your right foot out, 把右脚收回去 (右脚收回来) You put your right foot in, 把右脚放进来(右脚伸出去) And you shake it all about. 摇摇摆摆 (晃动右脚) You do the Hokey Pokey 再来点活力魄力 (双手举高,伸出食指。两只手一高一低交替上下) And you turn yourself around, 转一个圈 (两只手继续交替上下,同时身体转圈) That&`&s what it&`&s all about. 就是这样的简单 (放下双手,准备下一轮动作) You put your left foot in, 把左脚放进来 (左脚伸出去) You put your left foot out, 把左脚收回去 (左脚收回来) You put your left foot in, 把左脚放进来 (左脚伸出去) And you shake it all about. 摇摇摆摆 (晃动左脚) You do the Hokey Pokey 再来点活力魄力 (双手举高,伸出食指。两只手一高一低交替上下) And you turn yourself around, 转一个圈 (两只手继续交替上下,同时身体转圈) That&`&s what it&`&s all about. 就是这样的简单 (放下双手,准备下一轮动作) You put your whole self in, 把全身放进去 (向前一跳) You put your whole self out, 把全身收回去 (向后一跳) You put your whole self in, 把全身放进去 (向前一跳) And you shake it all about. 摇摇摆摆 (晃动身体) You do the Hokey Pokey 再来点活力魄力 (双手举高,伸出食指。两只手一高一低交替上下) And you turn yourself around, 转一个圈 (两只手继续交替上下,同时身体转圈) That&`&s what it&`&s all about. 就是这样的简单
上一期: 活力魄力歌
下一期: 我的阳光