259 各种各样的朋友们

259 各种各样的朋友们

2021-04-03    02'37''

主播: 良声英语

278 0

All Kinds of Friends 各种各样的朋友们 It's splendid having friends who are bigger, like my oldest buddy, Carmella. When it’s raining, I run beneath her— she's really an awesome umbrella! 有一个大个儿的朋友是极好的,就像我的老伙伴,卡梅拉。 每当下雨的时候,我跑到她的身下——她真是一把超棒的雨伞! It's dandy having friends who are taller, like my downstairs pal, Raoul. If something's too high for me (I'm smaller), he acts like a stepping stool. 有一个高个儿朋友也是很好的, 像我楼下的伙伴,拉乌尔。 如果某件东西对于我来说太高了(我太小了),他就会像个脚踏凳一样帮助我。 It's perfect having friends who are wider, like my neighbor Lemonade. When it's too sunny, I snuggle beside her where I can enjoy the shade she's made. 有一个胖胖的朋友也很完美, 就像我的邻居莱蒙纳德。 当太晒的时候,我会依偎在她身旁 在那里我可以享受她给我带来的荫凉。 It’s super having friends who are hairier, like my playmate Choo-Choo. If suddenly the weather gets chillier, her comfy coat will warm us two. 有一个毛茸茸的朋友也是超级好的, 就像我的玩伴球球。 如果天气突然变的寒冷, 她那舒服的“外套”会温暖我们两个。 And they love having a friend who's small, a friend who's short, a friend who's skinny, a friend who's not so hairy at all. They love having a friend . . . who's me. 他们喜欢有一个小点的朋友, 一个有些矮、有些瘦弱的, 一个没有那么多的毛的朋友。 他们喜欢那个朋友……就是我。 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~