

2017-11-19    07'18''

主播: Miss美语发音

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Day 29 今日学习 【句子】 After your little"I confess" stunt today, this is my chance to even the score. 今天你在“我有罪”的游戏中使劲显摆,该我扳回一局了。 【注音】 ˈæftər jər ˈlɪtəl"aɪ kənˈfɛs" stʌnt təˈdeɪ, ðɪs ɪz maɪ ʧæns tʊ ˈivɪn ðə skɔr. 【发音tips】 stunt today连读;confess stunt也是一样;score读法; 【活学活用】 even the score even 甚至 adv 偶数的,平坦的 adj. even当动词就是「均衡,拉平」的意思 | | even the score 常指:两个有"仇恨“的人要互相「扯平」 to do sth. as a reward or punnishment for actions done. 复仇;回报(正反两用) After Jenny stole my boyfriend, I had to even the score by dating her ex. 你挖墙脚,我也得让你难受难受。 【and more】 更多报复,算账: repay,return,revenge, hit back at, get even, settle the score... -- Alex should steal my idea and present it as his own. Alex竟然偷了我的创意,还把他当成自己的。 -- Don't get mad, get even. 与其为人困扰,不如以牙还牙 I'll get even with you -- just wait! 总有一天会跟你算账的,你给我等着。 【在留言区翻译试试吧】 But that means you have to fight so damn hard to get even with the system. 学发音,学表达,关注公众号:Miss美语发音 微信:1035354770