

2017-11-23    11'40''

主播: Miss美语发音

36 1

【句子】 It was a big hit /when we were dating, right ? 这可是我们当年约会时候的一大流行歌,对吗? 【注音】 ɪt wəz ə bɪg hɪt wɛn wi wər ˈdeɪtɪŋ, raɪt 【发音tips】 It was a 连读;big hit 【活学活用】 big hit 1. 热门, 大片,风靡一时 Miss英文释义:something very popular and very successful , something that many people are interested in (most often used to refer to a song, album or movie),but we can use it to describe anyone ot anything as long as it becomes popular and successful in a short time. 比如说: Taylor Swift's new album is a big hit. 泰勒斯威夫特的新专辑火的不要不要的。 电影、歌曲、书籍、食物 猜一下: hit song hit movie ↓↓ (热门歌曲,主打歌) (热门电影) The TV series: Game of Hunting is a big hit in China. 猎场现在可是中国的热门电视剧。 XXX is/was a big hit. 2. 一个大打击 big hit. ↓↓ take a big hit (记着take) ↓↓ take a hit to be criticized,to suffer damage or loss, 你不想接受,可是这项事情还是发生了。 Trust in online content appears to have dropped over the past few years. (提升逼格) ↓↓ Trust in online content takes a big hit. 网络内容的信任度大打折扣。 【句子】 (Tell me)This isn't happening. or This can't be happening. 我们可以翻译成:不要这样啊;不是吧;不要啊,这不是真的 (内心孤苦狼嚎痛苦指数100) Miss英文释义:You can guess. if something bad happened you might say "this isn't happening!" Meaning "oh no, I don't want to accept this!"I can't believe this. How could this be happening." 事情发生了,但是你就是不想让它发生。不要当成:掐一下我,我不是在做梦吧。后面这句话应该是:I can't believe this is happening.(可正可反) Kind of confusing, but choosing one to learn first would be a good choice. 来个狗血的: Tell me this isn't happening. My husband just told he wants a divorce. 不是吧,我老公刚告诉他要离婚。 (升级版) ↓↓ This isn't happening.This can't be happening. My husband just dumped me for a man. (求心理阴影面积) Summary be a big hit 热门 take a big hit 受打击 Tell me this isn't happening. 不要哇 This can't be happening.不要哇 【留言翻译试试吧】 The song was a big hit last year, but it's already starting to sound dated. 系统学习发音表达,关注公众号:Miss美语发音