1202pull over停车

1202pull over停车

2017-12-02    06'00''

主播: Miss美语发音

12 1

Well,then tell your father to pull over at the next gas station. 好,告诉你爸在下一个加油站停车。 注音 ▼ 『wɛl,ðɛn tɛl jʊər ˈfɑðər tu pʊl ˈoʊvər æt ðə nɛkst gæs ˈsteɪʃən. 』 发音tips ▼ well,tell,pull的读法, gas station辅音连读 活学活用 ▼ pull over. To come to a stop, and turn off the road 主动: Can you pull over just after the post office? My house is next door. 能在邮局靠后那里停一下吗?我家在隔壁。 被动: Police: Do you know why we pulled you over? Driver: Was it because I was driving dangerously? Police: Yes, please breathe into this, sir; we need to take a breathalyzer test. ['breθə.laɪzər] ▼▼ 原创内容图文归“Miss美语发音”所有 编辑,录音:Miss 为了使用而翻译 If driving alone - pull over and take a short nap. 补充: potty trained, potty这个词在前面的porta potty中给大家有介绍过。potty指的是便盆,那外国小朋友到22-30个月的时候家长就会给孩子进行上厕所的训练,that is, potty training,或者说是toilet training,小孩子学上厕所都有这么一个专门的术语,也算是当父母的一节必修课。 所以影片中提到The piggy's better potty trained than you,Greg.应该就不难理解了,这里potty train当做一个动词进行使用了。 原声视频及系统表达,关注公众号:Miss美语发音