1203 just to get it over with

1203 just to get it over with

2017-12-03    08'41''

主播: Miss美语发音

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Just to get it over with. 赶快处理完 ▼ 『ʤəst tə gɛt ɪt ˈoʊvər wɪð』 get sth. over with 处理妥当事情 Definition: To do or finish, especially said of something unpleasant. or we can say, to do it so that you don’t have to worry about it any more. 举例: Patient: I'm afraid this shot will hurt. 我怕打针疼。 Doctor: Don’t worry, I'll get it over with quickly.没事,很快就好了。 Now is the time to get it over with. 是时候了结了。 He can finally put work behind him and join the vacation. 终于他可以把工作抛在脑后,全身心的投入到假期。 ▼ 『hi kən ˈfaɪnəli pʊt wɜrk bɪˈhaɪnd ɪm ənd ʤɔɪn ðə veɪˈkeɪʃən.』 put sth. behind someone抛诸脑后 Definition: To stop focusing on, thinking about, or obsessing over something, and to think about the future. 举例: Just put it behind you and move on. 忘记过去,继续往前走。 I am a guy who likes to put the bad things and difficult times behind me. 我喜欢把那些不好的事情,不好的遭遇都抛诸脑后。 Things just snowballed on my end. 事情就像滚雪球一样涌来。 ▼ 『θɪŋz ʤəst ˈsnoʊˌbɔld ɑn maɪ ɛnd』 on my end 在我这边 Definition: "On my end" often refers to "my responsibilities." End: on a telephone or video chat conversation, you call the location of each person on the conversation an "end"( my end, your end, this end, that end) 举例: Let me know what else we need to do on this end 告诉我们有什么我们这边能做的(能帮得上忙的) I hear some kind of strange beeping noise. Can you hear that on your end? 我能听到哔哔类似的声音。你那边能听到吗? It's nine o'clock here. What time is it on your end? 这边现在9点了,你那边几点了呀? ▼▼ 原创内容图文归“Miss美语发音”所有 编辑,录音:Miss 为了使用而翻译 On my end, everything is done. 口语词汇补充: mini-bar 迷你小酒吧(不同酒店档次不一样) Definition: A small refrigerator in a hotel room containing drinks and snacks. 系统发音表达学习:添加微信1035354770