Tuedays with Morrie hummus

Tuedays with Morrie hummus

2019-05-24    00'35''

主播: Miss美语发音

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本专辑为Miss美语发音 阅读英语原著学单词系列的辅助音频 系统发音正音一对一学习 关注Miss美语发音 Inside the house, we sat at a walnut dining room table, near a window that looked out on the neighbor's house. Morrie fussed with his wheelchair, trying to get comfortable. As was his custom, he wanted to feed me, and I said all right. One of the helpers, a stout Italian woman named Connie, cut up the bread and tomatoes and brought containers of chicken salad, hummus, and tabouli. fuss /fʌs/ to pay too much attention to small unimportant details stout /staʊt/ fairly fat and heavy, or having a thick body: hummus /ˈhʊːməs/ a Greek food made from a soft mixture of chickpeas, oil, and garlic tabouli /tə'bu: li/ a kind of salad 目的: 熟悉单词 熟悉语流 熟悉阅读 同系列最近三篇: kill gaunt flank 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍。