Tuesdays with Morrie sag

Tuesdays with Morrie sag

2019-05-24    00'26''

主播: Miss美语发音

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本专辑为Miss美语发音 阅读英语原著学单词系列的辅助音频 系统发音正音一对一学习 关注Miss美语发音 She also brought some pills. Morrie looked at them and sighed. His eyes were more sunken than I remembered them, and his cheekbones more pronounced. This give him a harsher, older look-- until he smiled, of course, and the sagging cheeks gathered up like curtains. sag /sæɡ/ to hang down or bend in the middle, especially because of the weight of something pronounced /prəˈnaʊnst/ very noticeable harsh /hɑːrʃ/ strick, unkind 目的: 熟悉单词 熟悉语流 熟悉阅读 同系列最近三篇: hummus kill gaunt 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍。