【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO27 Q4

【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO27 Q4

2014-11-08    01'03''

主播: 当绿July

79 19

Task 4: The passage introduces a concept named "swarm intelligence", which represents a complex group behavior of insects. With such intelligence, the swarms are able to accomplish tasks that individuals would not be able to achieve. In the lecture, the professor uses the example of ants to further illustrate this concept. The ants move together for food resources, but there may be obstacles on the path, for example, there may be a wide space between the tree they are currently on and the tree with food on it. An individual ant cannot cross the gap alone, so that's when the swarm intelligence can function. The first ant stretches its body into the open space at the end of the branch, and the next one holds onto it, and then does the same thing as the first ant. One after another, the following ants repeat the same behavior until they reach the branch with food resources, in other words, they build a "bridge" so that the rest can cross the gap to get food. This is what we call brilliant swarm intelligence.