【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO30 Q1

【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO30 Q1

2014-11-08    00'53''

主播: 当绿July

100 20

Task1 I think the most important characteristic for a neighborhood is its hospitality for newcomers. One summer, I have been to Tennessee to enroll an exchange program, and lived with local family for about three weeks. As soon as I got there, a lot of neighbors came to my host family’s house just to say hi to me, and give me some welcome gifts. I still remember the smile on the face of the woman live across the lane. It was so sweet and unforgettable. 10 years later, I may not remember what she said, but her smile would be in my mind forever. She also gave me a basket of her homemade muffins, which are so delicious. It is her smile and her muffins that made me fall in love with that neighborhood immediately. That’s why I think hospitality is crucial for a neighborhood.