

2020-01-25    14'18''

主播: 一席英语

8549 55

介绍: 一席出品 主播:Mary | 翩翩 Topic :The Spring Festival Holidays in America 美国节假日 *official holiday 官方节假日 In America , holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day etc. are official holidays. 在美国,像圣诞节、感恩节、美国独立日等等这些都是官方节假日。 If you are a working person ,you will get one and a half days, at most two or three days. 在美国,像圣诞节这样的重要节日(major holiday),上班族一般会有一天半的假期, 最多会有两到三天的假期。 In America, such as Independence Day, they will get one day off. 像美国独立日这样的小假期(minor holiday), 他们会休一天假。 make up days 调休 Chinese New Year Food: dumpling 饺子 candied hawthorn 冰糖葫芦(糖球) You’ll probably have to explain what hawthorn is to your foreign friends . 在国外,山楂并不是那么被熟知,所以,最好向外国友人介绍一下什么是山楂。 rice glue ball 元宵 pickle 泡菜,腌咸菜 Only for cucumbers, they just call them pickles. And for others, they call them pickled something. pickles专指腌黄瓜,对于其他的腌制食品,叫作pickled balabala pickled garlic 糖醋蒜 spicy kimchi 辣白菜 Happy Chinese New year! Would you please recommend some local food to Mary? Please write it down in the comment section. 你能给Mary推荐一下当地有年味儿的食物吗? 武汉加油,中国加油!