介绍: 介绍: 一席出品
主播:Mary | 翩翩
Topic :The Spring Festival
Celebrations in America
Cities with large Chinese populations put on larger celebrations , such as San Francisco, New York city.They celebrate the Spring Festival with parades and dragon dance.
* parade n. /pəˈreɪd/ 游行
* dragon dance 舞龙
* Chinatown唐人街
The Celebration of Chinese Majors
Mary’s Chinese teacher tried to teach them to write couplets with proper calligraphy brushes.
Mary 的中文教师教他们使用真正的毛笔写对联。 (Mary现在好像已经还给老师了^-^)
* China hand 中国通
* couplet 对联
* calligraphy brush 毛笔
* calligraphy 书法
The Celebration of FCC
*FCC=Families with Children from China
Mary’s sister Lisa adopts a child from Guizhou Province and she raises the child with Chinese culture. It is a long story.
It is very touching!
* adopt v. /əˈdɑːpt/ 收养
* raise a child 养育孩子
* steamed bun 馒头
* get rid of the old and let in the new 辞旧迎新
* red envelop 红包
ABC or Immigrant Chinese Families
ABC or immigrant Chinese families celebrate about the same as mainland Chinese.
*ABC=American Born Chinese 美籍华裔
Mixed-race Families
Mixed-race families, at least those who try to celebrate the adopted child’s birth culture, put in a lot of effort to celebrate as well.
Are there any interesting celebrations in your hometown? Please share with us!