

2018-03-16    02'25''

主播: 经典英语朗读

3153 123

How Can I Rid My Mind of Her 教我如何不想她 Light cloud drift above in the sky, 天上飘着些微云, over the land wafts a light breeze. 地上吹着些微风。 The light breeze stirs my hair, 啊!微风吹动了我头发, how can I rid my mind of her? 教我如何不想她? Moonlight loves the sea, 月光恋爱着海洋, the sea delights in the moonlight. 海洋恋爱着月光。 On such a silvery night, sweet as honey, 啊!这般蜜也似的银夜, how can I rid my mind of her? 教我如何不想她? Fallen blossoms slowly drift across the waters 水面落花慢慢流。 as fish swim in their depths. 水底鱼儿慢慢游。 Swallow, what are you saying? 啊!燕子你说些什么话? How can I rid my mind of her? 教我如何不想她? Withered trees shake in the cold wind, 枯树在冷风里摇, while a grass fire burns at dust. 野火在暮色中烧。 Sparse sunset clouds linger in the western sky, 啊!西天还有些儿残霞, how can I rid my mind of her? 教我如何不想她?