face-2-face  lesson 8

face-2-face lesson 8

2016-12-14    23'14''

主播: kobeghy

770 26

Lesson 8 Days to remember I was there Vocabulary adjectives (2) Grammar past tense of be: positive and negative Review adjectives (1) ; favorite 8.1 Match adjectives with the pictures short --- long ( a) happy --- unhappy ( ) interesting--boring ( ) full --- empty ( ) difficult --- easy ( ) right --- wrong ( ) old --- young ( ) terrible, awful --- great, fantastic, amazing ( ) Vocabulary a station a seat New Year’s Eve fireworks a party match 8.2 Listen to Melanie, Tania and Pascal. What are their amazing days? Melanie: I was at the Beatles’ last concert. It was in San Francisco in 1966. There ware 25 000 people at the concert, but the stadium wasn’t full----- there were about 17 000 empty seats. The concert wasn’t very long, only 33 minutes, but I was very happy to be there. I was only sixteen at the time. Listen and choose the correct words 1.The Beatles’ last concert was in the UK / USA. 2.The concert was about an hour / half an hour long. 3.Tania was in Sydney with her parents/ friends. 4.The fireworks at midnight were fantastic / boring. 5.Pascal’s friends were from France/ Brazil. 6.He was at the match with two / three other people. Grammar Past tense I was at the World Cup Final. We were near the Opera House. The Stadium wasn’t full. They weren’t very happy. Positive (+) Negative (-) I ___________ I wasn’t (= was not) you were you weren’t (= were not) he/she/it was he/ she/ it ___________ we__________ we weren’t they were they weren’t 8.3 Listen and notice how we say was and were I was [wɒz] at the World Cup Final. We were [wə] near the Opera House. Practice Choose the correct words 1.I was/ were only ten years old. 2.My sister wasn’t / weren’t at the concert. 3.There was / were a lot of people in Sydney that night. 4.John Lennon was / were a great musician. 5.The fireworks was / were on TV in a lot of countries. 6.I was/ were very happy after the match. 7.There wasn’t / weren’t any empty seats in the stadium. 8.At 3 a.m my parents was / were very tired, but I wasn’t / weren’t. 9.The concert wasn’t / weren’t expensive----- my ticket was / were only $ 4.50. Happy anniversary Vocabulary years and past time phrases Grammar past simple of be; questions and short answers; was born / were born. Review adjectives / past simple of be/ positive and negative 8.4 listen and match Practice Say these years below 2012 1977 2018 1815 1990 2003 8.5 listen and match 1.Joe was in Paris last week. _____ 2.He is at work now. _____ 3.He was in bed four hours ago. _____ 4.He was at home yesterday afternoon. _____ Practice Fill the gaps with yesterday, in , last , ago. 1.I was in a cafe two hours ago. 2.I was at home_____ night. 3.I wasn’t in the country ______ 1999. 4.I wasn’t at work _______ morning. 5.I was in this class ______ month. 6.I wasn’t in this class three months ________. 8.6 listen Indian Wedding Vocabulary a wedding a bride a groom a wedding anniversary Listen to Rajeet talk to a friend about his wedding anniversary and then choose the correct words. 1.Rajeet and Gita’s wedding anniversary was on Saturday/ Sunday. 2.Their wedding was two / ten years ago. 3.Their wedding was in England / India. 4.Rajeet’s parents were / weren’t at the wedding. 5.There was/ wasn’t a party after the wedding. Listen again and then answer these questions. 1.Where was the wedding ? 2.How old were Rajeet and Gita? 3.How many people were at the wedding? 4.Where was Rajeet’s brother? 5.Were Rajeet’s sister at the wedding? 6.How many days was the party? 8.7 Grammar 1)look at the questions and notice the word order. Where was the wedding? How old were Rajeet and Gita? 2)write the two sentences below in the table. 1.How many people were at the wedding? 2.Where was Rajeet’s brother? 3)Fill the gaps with was, were, wasn’t, weren’t. yes/no questions short answers _______ I / it/ she/ he at the wedding? Yes, I / it/ she/ he was. No, I / it/ she/ he ____________. Were you / we / they at the wedding? Yes, you / we / they __________. No, you /we / they ___________. 4)fill the gaps with was or were A.Where was Gita born? She _______ born in the UK. B.When ____ you born ? I ______ born in 1987. Practice Choose the correct words. 1.Who was / were the bride and the groom? 2.Was / Were they the same age? 3.When was/ were the wedding? 4.Was / were Rajeet’s parents at the wedding? 5.Who was / were in Australia? 6.Where was / were Gita born? Make questions with the words below 1.you/ at home/ last Sunday / Were ? ___________________________________________ 2.you/ yesterday evening/ were/ Where ? ___________________________________________ 3.three moths ago / you / Were / on holiday? ___________________________________________ 4.on New Year’s Eve 1999 / you / were / Where? ____________________________________________ 5.at work / Were / last Monday / you? __________________________________________ 6.you / were / Where / born? __________________________________________ Ask your partner questions to find where and when was he/ she born. When’s your birthday? Vocabulary month and dates Real world talking about days and dates/ making suggestions Help with listening linking (2) Review past simple of be/ past time phrases. 8.8 listen and practice January February March April May June July August September October November December 8.9 listen and practice 1st first 6th sixth 11 eleventh 2nd second 7th seventh 12 twelfth 3rd third 8th eighth 20 twentieth 4th fourth 9th ninth 21 twenty-first 5th fifth 10th tenth 30 thirtieth 8.10 listen and check 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 31st 8.11 listen and practice 1.What day is it today? ( It’s ) Monday. 2.What’s the date today? ( It’s ) March the seventh. 3.When’s your birthday? ( It’s on ) June the second. 8.12 listen to four conversations. Which dates do you hear? 1.June 20th/ 22nd 2. March 13th / 30th 3. October 3rd/ 23rd 4. April 1st/ 4th * Practice ask your partners’ birth dates. Does anyone have the same birth date as you? 8.13 listen to Helen’s conversation with her husband, Sam. It’s Helen’s birthday. What do they decide to do this evening? Listen again and choose the correct words. 1.Helen’s present is a skirt / dress. 2.Antonio’s is the name of a shop / restaurant. 3.Helen and Sam go to the cinema every week /month. 4.The theater is near the cinema / museum. 5. They decide to meet at a cafe / the theater at about 6:00 / 7:00. Pay attention to the pronunciation 8.14 Fill the gaps with the words below do meet idea seven don’t time A: What shall we do this evening? B: Why don’t we go to the cinema? / let’s go to the cinema. A: Yes, that’s a good ___________. / Maybe / No, I _______ think so. A: Where shall we ______________? B: Let’s meet at the theater. A: What __________ shall we meet? B: About _________ o’clock. 8.15 put the conversation in order , then listen and check. George A)What shall we do tomorrow evening, Jessica? 1 B)Great ! See you later. C)No, I don’t think so. D)OK. What time shall we meet? E)Yes, that’s a good idea. Where shall we meet? Jessica F) Let’s meet at the restaurant. G) Why don’t we go to the cinema? H) About quarter to eight. I) OK. Let’s go to the Italian restaurant in Old Street. Festivals Vocabulary biog numbers Review making suggestions/ months / dates/ was and were 8.16 listen and match the numbers 8.17 listen and write the snumbers 8.18 Fantastic festivals Vocabulary A festival travel throw a kilo garlic Listen and fill the gaps with the numbers below 177 500, 70 000 000, 1 500, 125 000, 30 000, 150 000 There are a lot of fantastic festivals around the world. On the last Wednesday in August, __________ people travel to Bunol, in Spain, for La Tomatina. At this festival people throw tomatoes at each other----____________ kilos of them. And for three days every July _______________ people go to the town of Gilroy, in California, for the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Here you can eat garlic bread, garlic chicken, garlic chocolate----- and garlic ice dream. Of course, not all festivals are about food. The UK’s favorite music festival is the Glastonbury Festival. Only __________ people were at the first Glastonbury Festival in June 1970, but in 2008 there were ___________ people there. And for a real big festival, there’s the amazing Kumbh Mela in India. There’s only one Kumbh Mela every 12 years. The festival in 2003 went on for 41 days and _____________ people were there. 8.19 & 8.20 Pronunciation [ɔː] forty forty four sports boring awful August daughter small always morning water short [ɝ ] burger burger first work shirt skirt Turkish German girl early thirty third surname 8.21 listen to the sentences and pay attention to the pronunciation 1.It’s the thirty-third of August. 2.It was a boring morning at work. 3.This small burger is awful. 4.The Turkish girl is always early. 5.It’s a German sports company. 6.My daughter has forty-four skirts and thirty-three shirts. Practice 1. Find nine adjectives. 2.Choose the correct words 1) My dad was / were a doctor. 2) These shoes weren’t / wasn’t expensive. They was/ were only £20. 3) I wasn’t / weren’t at home on Sunday. I was / were at work. 4) My grandparents was / were from Italy. 5) It wasn’t / weren’t a very good film. 6) I’m sorry. We wasn’t / weren’t at the party. We was / were in France. 3.Fill the gaps with last, in , yesterday, ago. A) at work an hour ___________ B) in New York ___________ week C) at a party ________ evening D) in Rome _________ last Saturday. E) at university _______ 2003 F) in India a month ____________ 4.Make questions with these words A) born/ Where / you / were? ______________________________________________ B) last year/ in the country/ you/ were? ______________________________________________ C) was/ born/ your father/ Where? ______________________________________________ D) two months ago / Were/ in this class/ you? ______________________________________________ E) were/ on your last birthday/ Where / you? ______________________________________________ F) was / English class/ When/ your/ first? ______________________________________________ 5. Fill in the gaps with these words What Why Where good think meet let’s shall past A: What shall we do on Sunday? B: ___________ don’t we play tennis? A: No, I don’t ___________ so. B: OK. ___________ go to the park. A: Yes, that’s a ________ idea. __________ shall we meet? B: Let’s __________ at the station. A: What time _______ we meet? B: About half _________ two. 6.Tick (√) the things you can do in English. 1.I can make sentences and ask questions with was and were. ________ 2.I can say and understand years and past time phrases. ______