驻下复习  Who is calling (1)

驻下复习 Who is calling (1)

2016-12-15    11'45''

主播: kobeghy

101 6

本栏目有驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Who is calling (1) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below telephone ring business message hang up 1.Please answer the __________. 2.The phone is ___________ loudly. 3.I work for a big ___________. 4.I have a ___________ for you.. 5.Don’t _______ the phone. Ring rang rung The phone is ringing. / *** ring a bell 他一回到家,电话就响了 _______________________________________________ 他一有空就会给她打电话 ___________________________________________ 不好意思,这个牌子我没啥印象 ___________________________________________ 学校铃声响了,哎,他又迟到了 _______________________________________________ Grammar You have to take messages. have to / must have to or must 1.You haven’t seen her for ages. I guess you _______ be happy now. 2.Anyone who wants to pass the gate __________ get a pass card. 3.There ‘s little time left. You __________ hurry up. 4.Jerry thinks that he __________ study hard in order to catch up with the others. Message 1.我收到她的短信说今晚不回家吃饭 _____________________________________________. 2.他给她发了很多短信,但是她都没回____________________________________________. 3.我们老板不在,有什么事你可以留言 ___________________________________________. 4.如果不介意,我可以帮你带个话________________________________________________. 拓展词汇 # pound key Please dial the extension and then press the pound key. * star key Please press the star key before you dial. Question: How do you answer the phone ?