驻下英语Level3 /The story of Maurice Richard (2)

驻下英语Level3 /The story of Maurice Richard (2)

2017-03-06    12'40''

主播: kobeghy

55 2

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐:heartattack The story of Maurice Richard (2) Explain the words in bold below 1.All of the violence on the news is distressing to see. 2.She angrily slammed the book into his chest and walked off. 3.The high school basketball playoffs are next week.I hope we win! 4.I am surprised neither soccer player was knocked unconscious when they hit heads. 5.When I’m not wearing my glasses, everything around me looks a little blurry. 6.The tennis players have been playing hard against each other for the last two hours and are quite fatigued now. Then something distressing happened. distressing / distressed 1.看到这样的食物浪费的场景实在是很令人感到痛心________________________________________ 2.那对夫妇在街头巷尾不断的寻找着失踪的女儿,看上去很痛心的样子__________________________ damsel in distress : A young woman perceived as being in a dangerous situation. Her friends always bully her and she thinks herself is a damsel in distress. A player from another team slammed into him. 1.她砰得把门关上了,然后头也不回的离开了那个令人心痛的家_______________________________ 2.她震惊和愤怒得听着电话,然后突然砰的把电话挂了_______________________________________ Maurice got hit and fell unconscious on the ice. 1.这场车祸的受害者仍然出于昏迷中____________________________ 2.他根本没有意识到他在起步的时候已经失败了_____________________________________ He played his best for his team even if he was fatigue. 1.频繁性的失眠会导致白天的疲乏和困倦__________________________________ 2.在巨大的练习量之下,选手们很快就展现出了疲乏___________________________________ Idiom I call shotgun. A: Let’s take a car ride around the town B: I’ll call shotgun. I’m pregnant. Exercise Unscramble the sentences to find the key points. 1.not give up/ from a young age/ Maurice / to work hard/ learned / and 2.and eventually / despite many injuries/ for his favorite team/ playing hocky / got to play/ the Montreal Canadiens/ Maurice / Kept 3. a recorde-breaking athlete / helped / multiple championships / became/ who / win/ Maurice / his team