驻下英语Level 2 / New Apartment (1)

驻下英语Level 2 / New Apartment (1)

2017-05-08    12'00''

主播: kobeghy

130 9

更多精彩内容 尽在@驻下英语美术 背景音乐: 羽泉---叶子 A New Apartment 1 Fill the gaps with the words below Perfect furniture change current rent 1.________is good. But it can be difficult. 2.My ____is $500 each month. 3.Today was _____. I’m very happy. 4.Elizabeth II is the ______queen. 5.You can buy lovely __________there. Is there something wrong with your current home? Currency n. 1.我觉得脸上有一阵冷风吹过。_____________________________________ 2.当前的形势与1990年截然不同。____________________________________ 3.电流发出了信号。____________________________________ No,but my rent is too expensive. 1.他们找到了一个出租的小两居室。______________________________ 2.她总是预先付房租。______________________________________ 3.他们提高了我的租金。__________________________________ I also want a change. 1.这是找你的零钱_____________________________ 2.快递员能破开10英镑的纸币。_____________________________ 3.今年树木换装比去年早。______________________________________ Idioms Here you go, ladies, a Max's home made cupcake on the house. Questions Would you prefer to live in a flat or a house? Please describe the room you live in In the future, what type of place would you like to live in? Which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? How long have you lived there? How do you like it?