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Whale migration
exhale habitat breed migration juvenile reproduce migrate
1.Many researchers monitor the ___________of sea turtles.
2.When Harris ______________, he makes a strange, whistling sound.
3.The community opened up a new recreational center for _____________.
4.The giant panda’s __________ is found primarily in China’s Yangtze Basin region.
5.Megan hopes to __________ her poodle with a golden retriever to get a golden doodle.
6.We bought our horse when she became too old to ______________.
Key points
1.The difference between migration , emigration and immigration ?
2.I can't believe my sister is pregnant for the fourth time in five years. She and her husband just breed like rabbits!
3. They migrate between their cottage in the North in the summer and their condo in Florida in the winter.
4. Most people are outraged that the corporation only received a slap on the wrist after breaking so many regulations.
5. what’s the difference between glimpse and glance ?
6. Can you reproduce a good copy from this old print?
Extra word
Peduncle arch : 尾柄弧
Baleen whale : 须鲸
Krill: 磷虾
1.Have you ever seen whales in the wild? If so, what did you think ? If not, would you like to ? Why or why not?