

2020-02-12    02'06''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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我原本就是第一位。 作品|电影《狮子王》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《The Lion King》 King: Sarabi and I didn’t see you at the presentation of Simba. 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式上没有看到你。 Was that today? 是今天吗? Must’ve slipped my mind. 我八成是忘了。 Of course I meat no disrespect towards His Majesty, or Sarabi。 当然我绝不是要藐视陛下,或沙拉碧。 As you know, I have tremendous respect for the queen. 我一向非常敬重王后。 Zazu: As the king’s brother, you should’ve been first in line! Zazu: 身为国王的弟弟,你应该站在第一位。 I was first in line. 我原本就是第一位。 Or don’t you remember? 难道你忘了吗? That is, until the precious prince arrived. 直到这位尊贵的小王子到来。