

2019-04-23    07'24''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1037 10

主播:Cynthia 天气回暖,各种花季又要轮番上阵啦!现在正是樱花盛开的时节、大家争相目睹樱花的粉红浪漫,接下来又会有什么花来陪伴呢? 我想那应该就是有着「等待爱情」花语的薰衣草啦! 今天主播要为小可爱们介绍的景点就是薰衣草的世界四大产地。 它们分别是法国普罗旺斯、日本北海道、俄罗斯高加索山与中国伊犁,就让我们一看看吧! 法国|普罗旺斯 普罗旺斯是法国东南的一个大区,包含了亚维农、艾克斯、马赛等城市。夏天到普罗旺斯的人,十个有九个半是冲着薰衣草花海来的吧。夏季的普罗旺斯天气相当好,除了温度适宜外,蔚蓝的天空配上一大片薰衣草的紫,真的是不管怎么拍都好看! France | provence Provence is a region of southeast France that includes the cities of avignon, aix and Marseilles. Summer to provence, nine and a half of the ten people are facing the lavender sea. Summer weather in provence is quite good, in addition to the appropriate temperature, the blue sky with a large area of lavender purple, is really how to take a good look! 日本|北海道 夏天的北海道是很多人看薰衣草的首选地!富良野利用山坡和平原,视觉上延伸出一片壮阔的薰衣草田,有着「东方的普罗旺斯」之称;美瑛丘陵最富盛名的四季彩之丘,其中也有着薰衣草与其他花类交织出的彩色花海,是非常杀底片的地方喔! Japan | Hokkaido The Hokkaido of summer is the first choice place that a lot of people see lavender! The rich fine wild utilizes the hillside and the plain, on the vision outspread a magnificent lavender field, has "the eastern provence" the name; Meiying hill most famous four seasons color hill, which also has lavender and other flowers interwoven color flower sea, is very kill negative place oh! 俄罗斯|高加索山 高加索位于西亚与东欧的交界,也是俄罗斯、亚塞拜然、亚美尼亚与乔治亚四国的接壤处。位于高海拔的高加索不仅风景美丽、空气也很清新,因此又被认为是风光明媚的世外桃源,在春天百花盛开之际,吸引各地游客前来一探究竟。 Russia's | Caucasus mountains The Caucasus lies on the border between western Asia and eastern Europe, and is also the border between Russia, azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. With its beautiful scenery and fresh air, the high-altitude Caucasus is also known as a paradise of beautiful scenery, attracting tourists from all over the world to visit when flowers bloom in spring. 中国|新疆伊犁 伊犁在新疆的西北部,是古代丝路必经的重要城镇之一,有着「塞外江南」的美名。1964年,中国从北海道引进三个薰衣草品种到中国各地试种,只有伊犁移植最成功。每年六月中旬,是伊犁薰衣草的盛开时机,当地还会举办薰衣草节喔! China | yili xinjiang Yili, located in the northwest of xinjiang, was one of the important towns along the silk road in ancient times. In 1964, three lavender varieties were introduced into China from Hokkaido, and only yili was the most successful. In mid-june every year, yili lavender is in full bloom, the local lavender festival will be held oh! 除了可以观赏外,薰衣草可以舒缓情绪的功效更让他成为人们最钟爱的植物之一。不论是一大片薰衣草花田或者特殊的薰衣草造景,都别有一番滋味呢!看了这些美丽的薰衣草园,是不是很想去这些地方闻闻他的芬芳呢?事不宜迟,快为自己安排假期,一次次把这美不胜收的花田收集下来吧! 今天的分享到这里就结束了,让我们下期再见吧bye~
上一期: 古朴英国(中)
下一期: 故乡的雨