

2020-05-05    05'26''

主播: 1331920

1218 8

The city of Busan sits on the Korean Peninsula’s south-eastern coastline, 釜山市位于朝鲜半岛东南沿海一带, just a short flight from Asian capitals like Beijing and Tokyo, and a two-and-a-half hour bullet train ride from Seoul. 从中国北京及日本东京等地出发搭乘短程航班即可到达,从首尔坐高铁出发也仅需两个半小时。 South Korea’s largest port and second-largest city spreads out along the jagged coastline of the Yeongnam Region, 釜山市是韩国第一大港口和第二大城市,沿岭南地区参差不齐的海岸线分布, and rises into a sea of mountains beyond. 又仿佛身处群山之中。 From the shellfish which drew Paleolithic gatherers to its rugged shores, to the never-ending offerings of Jagalchi Fish Market, 从吸引了旧石器时代至此采集贝类动物的先民,到永远都热闹非凡的札嘎其市场, from the Joseon ships of old, to the dockyards which helped drive South Korea’s economic miracle, 从古老的朝鲜时期的船只到助推韩国经济腾飞的造船业, Busan has forever been linked to the ocean. 釜山的发展与海洋密不可分。 As the world races further into the 21st century, 随着世界潮流的发展步入21世纪, Busan continues to evolve, into a haven where hard-working Koreans can let their hair down, 釜山亦在不断追赶超越,成为了一座令勤劳的国人能在此放松身心, reflect on the past, and peer into the future. 回望过去、展望未来的都市。 While the bustling port underpins Busan’s economic vitality, 在熙熙攘攘的港口支撑着釜山经济发展的同时, it’s the city’s beaches which increasingly draw travellers from all over Asia. 釜山的沙滩越来越多地吸引了大批亚洲游客前来度假。 Just a 40-minute subway ride from Busan Station is the city’s star attraction, 从釜山站搭乘地铁出发,40分钟即可到达釜山的著名景点, Haeundae Beach, South Korea’s biggest and best-loved beachside hangout. 海云台海水浴场,是韩国最大、最受欢迎的海滨游玩场所。 Follow the long sweep of sands eastward to Dalmaji Hill, 沿着沙滩向东前行至迎月岭, an outlook adored by the wandering poets of yesteryear and the coffee lovers of today. 这里深受往昔的诗人及今日的咖啡重度爱好者们喜爱。 While at Haeundae’s eastern end, take the paths through Dongbaek Park to APEC House, 在海云台的东端,沿着冬柏公园的小路来到APEC世峰楼, where Asian and Pacific leaders enjoyed some of Busan’s most celebrated views during their 2005 summit. 亚太地区的领导人们在2005年峰会期间,在此能够欣赏到釜山诸多著名景点。 Then, let your mind wander and the kids run free at Dadaepo Beach. 来到多大浦海水浴场,最适合思绪万千的您在此放松,孩子们可肆意嬉戏玩耍。 Here, at the mouth of South Korea’s longest river, the endless sands and sea mists blur the lines between heaven and earth. 这里亦是韩国最长河流洛东江的入海口,绵延无尽的沙滩与云雾使之呈现出了海天一色的美景。 Today’s Busan is a bridge, perfectly connecting the past and future into a very special now. 今日的釜山更像是一座完美地连接过去、通往未来的大桥。 Welcome to Busan, a feast for all the senses, and the soul. 欢迎来到釜山,一场感官和灵魂的盛宴正在期待您的到来。