「三年级」I am in way over my head🌟宝宝头大

「三年级」I am in way over my head🌟宝宝头大

2016-07-26    01'06''

主播: 阿呆萌萌姐姐

416 12

①in over my head This idiom does not sound very safe.这个习语听起来不怎么安全。 IN OVER MY HEAD淹没脑袋 Does this mean a person is upside down?这个习语是在讲一个人上下颠倒了么? How's that cooking class going?厨艺课怎么样了? Don't get me started.别提了。 I am in way over my head.对于我来说太难了。 But...I thought you were good at cooking.但是,我以为你很善于厨艺。 Not so much.算不上。 I'am better at baking...我更善于烘焙。Baking cakes and pies and cookies and cupcakes.烘焙蛋糕,派,饼干还有纸杯蛋糕。 To be "in over your head" means you are involved in a situation that is too difficult for you.“in over your head”是指你深陷于一个你无法应对的情境。 Think of being in water that is deeper than you are tall.设想身处高于你身高的水中。 You are "in" water that is literally“ over your head.“你便淹没于水中,按照字面意思则是“没过你的脑袋”。 That's where this expression comes from.这就是这个习语的由来。 You can be "in over your head" if something is too hard for you, or if you do not feel fully prepared to do something. 你可以用这个短语形容遇到某些对于你很难的事情,或者是你感到并没有做足充分准备的事情。 And that's English in a Minute!