

2014-09-17    02'39''

主播: 千鸟之月

19964 83

【经典瞬间】保罗炽烈的表白遭到霍莉冰冷的拒绝 保罗发现自己爱上了霍莉,他疯狂的寻找霍莉,想向她表白,最后,发现霍莉正在图书馆看书: What do you want? 霍莉:你想怎样? I want to talk to you. 保罗:我想跟你谈谈。 I'm busy. 霍莉:我很忙。 What are you doing? 保罗:你在干嘛? Reading. 霍莉:看书。 "South America: Land of wealth and promise"? 保罗:“南美、财富及希望之地” It's very interesting. 霍莉:非常有趣。 Let's get out of here. I said, let's get out of here. I want to talk to you. 保罗:走吧,我说走吧,我有话要对你说。 What's the matter with you anyway? What's happened? 保罗:你怎么了,发生什么事了? Fred, will you please just leave me alone? 霍莉:费特,求你别管我。 I love you. 保罗:我爱你。 Where are you going? To the ladies room. 保罗:你去哪儿? To the ladies room. 霍莉:上洗手间。 What's the matter with you? 保罗:你究竟怎么了? Let me go. 霍莉:让我走。 No. 保罗:不。 Fred, let me go. 霍莉:费特,让我走。 Let's get something straight.I'm not nor have I ever been Fred, nor am I Benny Shacklett. My name is Paul, Paul Varjak, and I love you. 保罗:我们先搞清楚一件事,我根本不是费特,我也不是萨宾利,我叫保罗,韦保罗,我爱你。 Let me go. 霍莉:放开我。 Not till we settle this. What's about all this jazz about South AmericaVar? 保罗:南美是怎么一回事? I thought if I'm marrying a south-american, I'd better find out something about the country. 霍莉:若我要下嫁南美人,我要先了解一下那个国家。 Marry? What south-american? 保罗:下嫁什么南美人? Jos? 霍莉:荷西。 Who the hell's Jos? 保罗:哪个荷西? de Silva Pereira?Darling, you met him, I know you did... Mag Wildwood's friend.He came to the party with Rusty.Well, my dear, you won't believe this, but not only is he handsome and rich, he's absolutely cuckoo for me 霍莉:柏荷西,你见过他,是怀玛吉的朋友,跟拉斯一起来的那个英俊的高个子,他不但英俊富有,还对我着迷。 You're crazy. 保罗:你疯了。 Do you think you own me? 霍莉:你以为你拥有我吗? That's exactly what I think. 保罗:是的。 That's exactly what everybody thinks, but everybody happens to be wrong. 霍莉:大家都这么想,但他们都错了。 Look, I'm not everybody. Or am I? Is that what you really think? That I'm not different from all you other rats and super-rats? wait a minute. If that's it... If that's what you really think... There's something I want to give you. 保罗:我不是他们,或者我是?你就是这么认为的对吗?我和那些小人没分别?等一会,若你…若你真这么想,我有东西要给你。 What's that? 霍莉:什么? $50 for the powder room 保罗:上化妆间的50块钱。