【与狼共舞-经典瞬间】I am through waiting.

【与狼共舞-经典瞬间】I am through waiting.

2014-12-13    01'05''

主播: 千鸟之月

778 43

我想我已经做错了 I realize now that I have been wrong. 我一直在等 All this time, I've been waiting. 等什么? Waiting for what? 等人来找我? For someone to find me? 等印第安人来偷我的马? For Indians to take my horse? 等看野牛? To see a buffalo? 自从我来到这个岗位 我就一直提心吊胆 Since I have arrived at this post I have been walking on eggs. 这已经成了坏习惯,我也厌倦了 It has become a bad habit and I am sick of it. 明天早晨,我要到印第安人那儿去 Tomorrow morning, I will ride out to the Indians. 我不知道这样做明智吗,结果会怎样 I do not know the outcome or wisdom of this thinking... …但我已经成为了他们的目标, 一个留下坏印象的目标 ...but I've become a target and a target makes a poor impression. 「我一直在等待」 "I am through waiting." 你在看什么? What are you looking at?