Day52: Who can tell the time without a clock?

Day52: Who can tell the time without a clock?

2017-05-22    00'24''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

200 5

关注微信公众号ettalk365,获取更多学习内容。 sophia微信:sophia_ettalk 微博:Sophia的英语学堂 We all can! Inside every one of us there’s something we call our body clock. It wakes us up every morning, and tells us it’s breakfast-time. And all through the day we seem to know just when it’s time to work, eat and play. As evening comes we get third and get ready to sleep. 1. body clock:生物钟 2. wake up:叫醒 3. breakfast:早餐 [&`&brekfəst]