

2017-05-31    15'03''

主播: Harbour(瀚博)老师

229 5

名词复数变化的特殊变化 一、单复数同形 Chinese中国人 sheep 绵羊 Japanese 日本人 fish 鱼 Swiss瑞士人 deer 鹿 二、复数变化不规则的单词 需要同学们听课记录!刘老师会在瀚博教育公益群里把答案发给大家。 A Heart that Can Taste Happiness Mentioning he never complained about his sad fate, the famous Iranian poet Sadi talked about one of his encounters. Once , Sadi had no money to buy shoes , so he had walk on barefoot to the church . Before entering the church , he did feel frustrated and unhappy, but when he saw a man who had no feet in the chapel, he found that he was not the most unfortunate man in the world , no longer complaining he was too poor to have shoes. So he wrote: " In the eyes of satiable people, roasted goose is like grass ; in the eyes of hungry people , radish is delicacies. When thirsty in the desert, the people desire not to have bag money or jewels thrown at them, but a glass of cool water to satisfy their thirst. When penniless, the people desire wallow in money , but can get rid of cooking a meal without rice ." Therefore, we must learn to have a heart that can taste happiness. Words and expressions. chapel小教堂 mention提及 Iranian伊朗人 poet诗人 encounter偶遇 barefoot赤脚 frustrated沮丧 satiable满足的 radish萝卜 delicacies美味佳肴 desire渴望 penniless身无分文 wallow沉溺于