牧羊少年奇幻之旅 71

牧羊少年奇幻之旅 71

2017-09-06    05'25''

主播: 楠楠一家的英语播客

136 2

The Alchemist 原文 (71) "Because it's not love to be static like the desert, nor is it love to roam the world like the wind. And it's not love to see everything from a distance, like you do. Love is the force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World. When I first reached through to it, I thought the Soul of the World was perfect. But later, I could see that it was like other aspects of creation, and had its own passions and wars. It is we who nourish the Soul of the World, and the world we live in will be either better or worse, depending on whether we become better or worse. And that's where the power of love comes in. Because when we love, we always strive to become better than we are." "So what do you want of me?" the sun asked. "I want you to help me turn myself into the wind," the boy answered. "Nature knows me as the wisest being in creation," the sun said. "But I don't know how to turn you into the wind." "Then, whom should I ask?" The sun thought for a minute. The wind was listening closely, and wanted to tell every corner of the world that the sun's wisdom had its limitations. That it was unable to deal with this boy who spoke the Language of the World. "Speak to the hand that wrote all," said the sun. The wind screamed with delight, and blew harder than ever. The tents were being blown from their ties to the earth, and the animals were being freed from their tethers. On the cliff, the men clutched at each other as they sought to keep from being blown away. The boy turned to the hand that wrote all. As he did so, he sensed that the universe had fallen silent, and he decided not to speak. A current of love rushed from his heart, and the boy began to pray. It was a prayer that he had never said before, because it was a prayer without words or pleas. His prayer didn't give thanks for his sheep having found new pastures; it didn't ask that the boy be able to sell more crystal; and it didn't beseech that the woman he had met continue to await his return. In the silence, the boy understood that the desert, the wind, and the sun were also trying to understand the signs written by the hand, and were seeking to follow their paths, and to understand what had been written on a single emerald. He saw that omens were scattered throughout the earth and in space, and that there was no reason or significance attached to their appearance; he could see that not the deserts, nor the winds, nor the sun, nor people knew why they had been created. But that the hand had a reason for all of this, and that only the hand could perform miracles, or transform the sea into a desert… or a man into the wind. Because only the hand understood that it was a larger design that had moved the universe to the point at which six days of creation had evolved into a Master Work. The boy reached through to the Soul of the World, and saw that it was a part of the Soul of God. And he saw that the Soul of God was his own soul. And that he, a boy, could perform miracles. The simum blew that day as it had never blown before. For generations thereafter, the Arabs recounted the legend of a boy who had turned himself into the wind, almost destroying a military camp, in defiance of the most powerful chief in the desert. When the simum ceased to blow, everyone looked to the place where the boy had been. But he was no longer there; he was standing next to a sand-covered sentinel, on the far side of the camp. The men were terrified at his sorcery. But there were two people who were smiling: the alchemist, because he had found his perfect disciple, and the chief, because that disciple had understood the glory of God. The following day, the general bade the boy and the alchemist farewell, and provided them with an escort party to accompany them as far as they chose. The Alchemist 译文 (71)    “因为爱并不是静止如沙漠,爱也不是呼啸如风。也不象你那样,从一个遥远的距离外去观察万物。爱是改变和改善天地之心的力量。当我第一次接触到天地之心,我以为它是完美的。可是后来,我发现它就跟其它生物一样,有它自己的情绪和冲突。是我们在滋养着天地之心,而我们所存活的这个天地究竟会变得更好好还是更差,就看我们自己是变得更好还是更差。在这里扮演关键性角色的,是爱的力量。当我们心中有爱时,我们就会努力去使自己更好。”     “所以你要我为你做什么?”太阳问。“我要你帮助我,将我变成风。”男孩回答。     “大自然都知道我是最有智慧的,”太阳回答,“可是我不知道怎么把人变成风。”     “那么,我应该去问谁呢?”     太阳思索了一会。风则密切地注意听着他们的对话,同时渴望跑到全世界去宣布:太阳的智慧也是有局限的,它没有办法胜过这个能够说宇宙共通语言的男孩。     “去找注写这一切的万能之手吧!”太阳说。     风高兴得尖叫,并且更加使劲用力吹着。军营如今已经被吹离开它的营地了,系着牲口的绳索也被吹断了,所有的马匹都自由地逃开。而在山顶上的人则互相拥抱着,以免被风吹跑。   男孩转向万能之手。当他这么做时,他发现整个宇宙静止了下来,于是他决定什么话也不说。     一股爱的潮水从他的心中喷涌而出,他开始祈祷。这是他从未曾做过的祷告,因为这是无声的祷告,也没有提出任何请求。他的祷告并不是感谢他的羊能够找到新的牧草,也不是要求能卖出更多的水晶,更不是祈求他所遇见的那个女人能继续等待他。在沉默中,男孩了解到沙漠、风,以及太阳,也都希望能明白万能之手写下的征象,以便能追循着这些方向,进而能了解写在那一块翡翠石板上的符号究竟是什么意思。他看见预兆散播在地球各处以及天空中,但它们的征象并不明显,也没有什么相关的理由。他可以看见,沙漠、风、太阳以及人,都不知道自己被创造的原因,但是万能之手在创造每一样东西时,自有其理由。只有那只手可以制造奇迹,可以将海转变成沙漠……或者将人转变成风。因为只有那只手明白,只有强大的设计,才能够将整个宇宙还原成一个原点,而在那一点上,六天的创造才能升华成为一个元精。     男孩接触到天地之心,发现那就是神的心。他也看见了神的心就是他自己的心灵。而他,虽然只是个男孩,也能够展示神迹。     那天西蛮风以它从未有过的方式吹袭着沙漠。在那以后的好几世代里,阿拉伯地区仍传诵着一个男孩将自己变成风的传奇故事。男孩用那场风来和沙漠里最有权力的部落首领抗衡,而那场风差一点就摧毁那位首领的军营。     当西蛮风终于歇息的时候,每个人都转头看向男孩刚才站的位置,可是他已经不在那里了。他正站在军营遥远的另一端,旁边站着一个满身覆盖着沙石的卫兵。     那些人被他展现的奇迹吓坏了。然则仍有两个人的脸上露出微笑;其中一个是炼金术士,他笑是因为他的徒弟已经完美地出师了;而另外一个是部族首领,他笑则是因为男孩诠释了神的荣光。     第二天,军队首领欢送男孩和炼金术士,并且派一队护卫陪他们去他们想去的地方。  
上一期: 数星星 16
下一期: 牧羊少年奇幻之旅 72