任务1-16 "I wonder if Mrs. Hirsch is sick," Annemarie said as they walked away. "I saw her Saturday," Ellen said. "She was with her husband and their son. They all looked just fine. Or at least the parents looked just fine—the son always looks like a horror." She giggled. Annemarie made a face. The Hirsch family lived in the neighborhood, so they had seen the boy, Samuel, often. He was a tall teenager with thick glasses, stooped shoulders, and unruly hair. He rode a bicycle to school, leaning forward and squinting, wrinkling his nose to nudge his glasses into place. His bicycle had wooden wheels, now that rubber tires weren't available, and it creaked and clattered on the street. "I think the Hirsches all went on a vacation to the seashore," Kirsti announced. "And I suppose they took a big basket of pink-frosted cupcakes with them," Annemarie said sarcastically to her sister. "Yes, I suppose they did," Kirsti replied. Annemarie and Ellen exchanged looks that meant: Kirsti is so dumb. No one in Copenhagen had taken a vacation at the seashore since the war began. There were no pink-frosted cupcakes; there hadn't been for months. 任务1-16译文 “席尔斯太太是不是生病了?”安妮说。她们三人一边走一边猜测着。   “我星期六还看到她。”艾琳说,“她丈夫和儿子都在店里。他们看起来不像生病的样子,至少他们夫妇两个不像生病——他们的儿子看起来好可怕。”艾琳笑了一声。   安妮做了个鬼脸。席尔斯一家就住在附近,所以她们经常看到他们的儿子小苗。他是一个高个子,松垮的肩膀,一头看上去很不服贴的硬头发。他骑自行车上学,骑起车子向前弓着身,不断地眨眼睛。他还不断地耸着鼻子把眼镜顶回原位。因为现在物资缺乏,没有橡胶,所以他的自行车轮是木制的,骑起来“咯啦咯啦”地响个不停。   “席尔斯一家一定到海滨去度假了。”克丽丝说。   “他们一定是带了一大筐有粉红奶霜的蛋糕去的。”安妮讥笑妹妹说。   “你说的对,”克丽丝说,“他们一定带了一大筐。”   安妮和艾琳互相看了一眼。这一眼的意思是:克丽丝真笨。自从第二次世界大战开始,哥本哈根再没有人去海滨度假了,也从来没有人吃到过蛋糕。她们好几个月都没有看到过蛋糕了。
上一期: 数星星 15
下一期: 牧羊少年奇幻之旅 71