DAY 42--2016即将过去,迎接2017年到来

DAY 42--2016即将过去,迎接2017年到来

2016-12-31    06'47''

主播: 口语黑科技

94 3

今日分享--Daily sentence 每日一句,every day is a new day! 今日口语分享: One of the most beau ti fu l qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood! 真正友谊的最美妙之处就是相互理解! 口语知识干货: to understand and to be understood相互理解; 1.辅音+元音规律,考虑连读: 比如:one of 连读 2.清辅音(k t p )+辅音规律:清辅音会略读; 比如mos(t)beautiful; 3.beautiful美音与英音区别,小伙伴们查一下字典; 4.quality--qualities中es的发音z,发音技巧: 舌尖用力向下顶住下齿,下巴稍微用力; 5.friendship中ship的i的发音为短元音i,而不是sheep发音; 6.To的发音,大部分作为定冠词,没有实际意思,口语会弱化发音; 7.S+爆破音(T D K G P B),会有浊化规律: ST发音为SD;比如star,start; SK发音为SG:比如script;landscape; SP发音为SB:比如sparkle:spa; 小伙伴们,2016年最后一天了,happy holiday and new year to all of you guys! 2017年,希望可以陪伴大家继续进步和成长,To be a happy and better man in 2017! Rocky is with you on the way and WE bring joys to your perfect life^_^