【探案集】A Strange Man 02

【探案集】A Strange Man 02

2015-11-02    03'45''

主播: Amanda_ZY

199 7

Sherlock Holmes: The Emerald Crown Chapter One --- A Strange Man 02 "Here?" I asked. "Yes," said Holmes. "He's very unhappy about something, and he wants my help." Just then, the man stopped at our front door. "There ... I told you, Watson," said Holmes with a smile. "He's here to see me." Not long after that, the maid brought the man up to our room. Soon he stood in front of us. His head moved from left to right, and he put his hand up worriedly and pulled his hair from time to time. His mouth opened, but he couldn't speak. Holmes took him by the arm and smiled. "Please sit down," he said, and he took him across the room to one of the chairs, and sat down next to him. "You'd like to tell us your story. Is that right? You are tired. We can wait a minute, and when you are ready, we can begin." The man sat for a minute or two. Holmes and I waited quietly. Then, when he was ready, the man looked up and began. "I look very strange, I know," he said quietly. "No, no," said Holmes. "You want to tell me something important, that's all." "Why did this happen to me? It's the worst thing ... the very worst," said the stranger. "Please tell me your name, sir, and then you can tell me your story," said Holmes. "Perhaps you know my name," said our visitor slowly. "I am Alexander Holder of the Holder and Stevenson Bank of Threadneedle Street." "Ah yes," said Holmes. "One of the oldest banks in London." "I'm sorry, sir." said Holder. "They told me about you and said, "You must speak to Sherlock Holmes. He can help you!" I came to see you at once. I ran from Baker Street station to get here more quickly. It looked strange, I know, because I don't usually go running. Thank you for waiting . I am ready now to begin."