

2015-11-02    08'27''

主播: Amanda_ZY

134 6

【关键词句】 · smile 微笑 --- When he saw me, he smiled and waved. 他见到我时,笑了笑,挥了挥手。 · maid 女仆 --- A maid brought me breakfast at nine o'clock. 一个女仆九点钟给我送来了早餐。 · pull 拉(反义词: push 推) --- I helped pull him out of the water. 我帮着把他从水里拉出来。 · look up 向上看;查阅(字典或参考书);拜访 --- When he looked up, he saw the boss. 他抬起头时看到了老板。 --- I've looked it up in the dictionary. 我已经在字典里查到它了。 --- I looked up my old friends. 我拜访了我的老朋友。 · important 重要的 --- It's important to answer her questions as honestly as you can. 重要的是你要尽可能如实地回答她的问题。 · worst 最糟糕的 (bad的比较级: worse 最高级: worst) --- The worst-affected areas are in Paris. 影响最严重的地区在巴黎。 · one of... ...之一 --- She is one of my friends. 她是我的朋友之一。 · station 车站 --- She went with him to the train station. 她和他一起去火车站。