【探案集】 The Blue Diamond 04

【探案集】 The Blue Diamond 04

2016-02-01    06'23''

主播: Amanda_ZY

422 33

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter One --- An Old Hat 04 When he ran, he left his Christmas bird in the street next to his hat. The young men ran away at the same time, so Peterson took the goose and the hat home with him, and the next day he brought them here. "There was an interesting little ticket on the goose's left leg," said Holmes. 'It said "For Mr and Mrs Henry Baker". We can find the letters H.B. in the hat too.' 'Oh… the owner of the hat and the goose is called Henry Baker.' I said. 'Yes,' answered Holmes. 'But my dear Watson, this doesn't help us very much. There are hundreds of Henry Bakers in London. I gave the goose back to Peterson this morning,' he went on, 'and I said to him: "Have this for your dinner!" I didn't want it to go bad, you know.' 【详解】 · run away 逃跑 --- I ran away from home when I was sixteen. 我十六岁时离家出走。 · bring 带来 (过去式: brought) --- Remember to bring me a book. 记得带本书给我。 · interesting 有趣的 --- It was interesting to be in a different environment. 换一换环境很有趣。 · owner 所有者,物主 --- The owner of the shop was sweeping the floor when I walked in. 我走进去时店主正在扫地。 · hundreds of 成百上千的,许许多多的 --- The restaurant receives hundreds of customers every day. 这家饭店每天接待数以百计的顾客。