【探案集】The Blue Diamond 05

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 05

2016-02-22    08'44''

主播: Amanda_ZY

584 27

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter One --- An Old Hat 05 "Did Mr Baker put an advertisement in the newspaper about his hat and goose?" I asked. "No," answered Holmes. "Then how can we find him?" "Well, perhaps his hat can help us," said Holmes. "Here's my magnifying glass, Watson. Now, you be a detective for a minute or two. What can you tell me about the owner of this hat?" I took the magnifying glass and looked at the hat. It was black but old, and very very dirty. I saw the letters H.B. in it. For me it was no different from any other old black hat. "I can see nothing," I said, and I gave the hat back to my friend. "Excuse me, Watson. You do see, but you don't think about what you see." "All right!" I said. "What can you see in this hat?" "The owner of this hat is an intelligent man," said Holmes. "He was once rich and is now poor. His wife loved him once but she doesn't love him now. And he's thirty or forty years old." 【详解】 · advertisement 广告,宣传,启事 --- Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper. 帕里什小姐最近在当地报纸上登出了一则启事。 · magnify 放大 --- I want to magnify my friend's picture. 我想放大我朋友的照片。 · owner 物主,所有者 --- He is the owner of the shop. 他是这家店的店主。 · intelligent 聪慧的 --- Susan is a very bright and intelligent woman. 苏珊是一个非常聪明伶俐的女人。