【探案集】The Blue Diamond 08

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 08

2016-03-22    05'53''

主播: Amanda_ZY

1400 31

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter Two --- The Blue Diamond 01 When Sherlock Holmes saw the diamond in the doorman's hand he sat up. "Well, well, Peterson," he said, "What a wonderful thing to find in a goose. Do you know what you have in your hand?" "I think it's a diamond, Mr Holmes. Is it expensive?" "Yes, it is," said Holmes, "This is the Countess of Morcar's blue diamond. It disappeared a week ago." "How do you know that?" I said. "Watson, you must read the newspapers more often. There's an advertisement in The Times today about it. Here, look." Holmes gave the advertisement to me. Then Holmes spoke to the doorman. "It's a very expensive jewel, Peterson. The Countess paid about 20000 pounds for it. Last week someone took it from her rooms in the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Now the Countess wants to get her diamond back. She says that she's going to give a thousand pounds to the finder." 【详解】 · diamond 钻石 --- It was a large diamond, but it had a flaw. 这是颗大钻石,但有一点瑕疵。 · countess 伯爵夫人 --- This is the Countess of Morcar. 这是莫卡伯爵夫人。 · disappear 消失 --- The black car drove away from them and disappeared. 黑色的小汽车驶离了他们便消失了。 · jewel 珠宝 --- The French jewel thief was caught by the English police. 那个法国珠宝窃贼被英国警方抓获。 · cosmopolitan 世界性的 --- Shanghai is a cosmopolitan city. 上海是一座国际化大都市。