【探案集】The Blue Diamond 09

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 09

2016-04-05    09'41''

主播: Amanda_ZY

540 23

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter Two --- The Blue Diamond 02 “A thousand pounds!" cried Peterson excitedly. Then, without saying more, he sat down in the chair between us. First he looked at Holmes and then he looked at me. "The diamond disappeared five days ago, I think." I said. "Yes," answered Holmes. "They say a young man, John Horner, took it. Here's a newspaper report about the case." Holmes gave an old newspaper to me and I read the report. A Diamond Disappears From The Cosmopolitan Hotel The Countess of Morcar's blue diamond disappeared from her room at the Cosmopolitan Hotel on the 22nd of this month. The police think John Horner, 26 years old, took the diamond from a jewel box when he went to repair the window in the room. James Ryder, the assistant manager of the hotel, told the court: "I took Horner to the Courtess's room but then I went away for some time. When I came back, Horner wasn't there, and I found the open box, without the jewel in it, on the table next to the bed." Catherine Cusack, the countess's maid, spoke next: "I heard Mr Ryder call and I ran to the Countess's room. There I found Ryder with the jewel box in front of him." The police found Horner at his home later that day, but they couldn&`&t find the diamond. Later, Detective Bradstreet spoke to the court: "When I said "You&`&re a diamond thief!" Horner hit me." Soon after that Horner told the court angrily: "You've got the wrong man. I didn't take the Countess's diamond. I'm not the thief." Bradstreet then told the court: "Horner went to prison once before for being a thief. I say he took the diamond." The case goes to the High Court next week.