【探案集】The Blue Diamond 11

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 11

2016-04-26    06'44''

主播: Amanda_ZY

610 18

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter Two --- The Blue Diamond 04 Did you lose a goose and a black hat some days ago in Tottenham Court Road? Are you called Henry Baker? Please come to 221B Baker Street this evening at 6.30 to get your things. 'There. That says it all, I think,' said Holmes. 'Yes, but is he going to read it?' I asked. 'Yes, Watson, I think he is. He's a poor man, remember. At that time he was afraid because of his accident with the shop window, but now I believe he feels very sorry about running away and thinks: "Why did I leave that bird in the street?" 'Perhaps he looked for a newspaper advertisement about it yesterday. I think he's going to look again today, too.'