【探案集】The Blue Diamond 12

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 12

2016-05-10    05'25''

主播: Amanda_ZY

338 20

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter Two --- The Blue Diamond 05 "What's more, we've got his name in the advertisement, so I believe his friends are going to see it and tell him about it." "Yes, I see," I said. Holmes gave some money to the doorman and said, "Peterson, please go down to the newspaper offices and put this advertisement in all the evening newspapers." "Very good, sir. And shall I leave the diamond with you, sir?" "Yes, Peterson. And, I say, Peterson, after you leave the newspaper offices, can you buy a goose and bring it back here? We need a new bird for Mr Henry Baker when he comes. Your family is eating the old one for dinner today, so he can't have that." The doorman went out of the door and down the street.