05圣诞入侵 -But That Was Murder.

05圣诞入侵 -But That Was Murder.

2015-04-06    02'06''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

147 18

-Rose: What‘s that? What’s happening? -10th: That was murder. -Jones: That was defence. It‘s adapted from alien technology, a ship that fell to earth ten years ago. -10th: But they were leaving. -Jones: You said yourself, doctor, they go back to the stars, and tell others about the earth. I‘m sorry doctor, but you are not here all the time. You come and go. It happened today,Mr Llewellyn and the Major, they were murdered. They died right infront of me while you were sleeping. In which case, we have to defend ourselves. -10th: Britain‘s golden age. -Jones: It comes with a price. -10th: I gave them the wrong warning. I should told them to run, as fast as they can. Run and hide because the monsters are coming-- the human race. -Jones: Those of people I represent, I did it on their behalf. -10th: And I should have stopped you. -Jones: What does that make you,doctor? Another alien threat? -10th: Don‘t challenge me! Harriet Jones! Cos I‘m a completely new man. I could bring down your government with a single word. -Jones: You are the remarkable man I‘ve ever met. But I don‘t think you are quite capable of that. -10th: No, you are right. Not a single word. Just six. -Jones: I don‘t think so. -10th: Six words. -Jones: Stop it. -10th: Six. -10th: Don‘t you think she looks tired? -Jones:What did he say? -oh, nothing.. really.. -Jones:What did he say!? -Nothing.. I don‘t know -Jones: Doctor! Doctor.. what did you.. what ..what did you say! what did you say doctor!doctor! I‘m sorry. ------------------------- -Rose: 那是什么?发生了什么事? -10th:那等同于谋杀! -Jones: 我那是防卫.那是根据十年前一架掉落在地球上的飞船里的外星科技改良的。 -10th: 可是他们在离开啊! -Jones: 博士,你自己说的,他们回去会提地球的事。 抱歉博士,可你不是经常在这里的啊,你总是来去匆匆,就在今天, 在你还没醒过来的时候我眼睁睁看着利维和少校死在我面前。所以我必须捍卫地球。 -10th: 这是大英帝国的黄金时期。 -Jones:但这也是有代价的。 -10th:我给了他们一个错的忠告。我应该叫他们赶紧跑,有多快跑多快. 躲起来,因为怪兽来了,那就是人类! -Jones: 我代表人类才这样做的! -10th: 但我应该阻止你。 -Jones: 那这样你会变成什么,博士?另一个威胁地球的外星人吗? -10th: 不要挑战我! Harriet Jones!因为我是一个脱胎换骨的人,我一个字就是拖垮你的政府! -Jones: 虽然你是我见过最了不起的人,但我不认为你有这个本事。 -10th: 对,一个字不行。要六个。 -Jones:我不觉得。 -10th: 六个字。 -Jones:别傻了。 -10th:看着。 -10th: 感觉她很累了。 -Jones:他说了什么?! -啊,没有啊。。真的。。 -Jones:他说了什么! -什么都没说。。额,我不知道。。 -Jones: 博士。。你到底说了什么。。博士。。。你到底。。说了什么。。。对不起。 (后来社会各种疯传Jones身体有病支撑不了多久准备下台。)