05圣诞入侵- Don't You Want to Come?

05圣诞入侵- Don't You Want to Come?

2015-04-05    01'59''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

168 19

-Rose: That’s beautiful. What are they? Meteors? -10th: It‘s the spaceship breaking up in the atmosphere. This isn’t snow. It‘s ash. -Rose: Okay, not so beautiful. -10th: And this is a brand-new planet Earth. No denying the existence of aliens now. Everyone saw it. Everything‘s new. - Rose: And what about you? What are you going to do next? -10th:Well..Back to the Tardis, same old life. -Rose: On your own? -10th: Why, don’t you want to come? -Rose:Well, yeah. -10th:Do you,thought? -Roes:Yeah! -10th:I just thought.. because I changed -Roes:yeah..I..I thought because you changed.. You might not want me anymore.. -10th:Oh I‘d love you to come -Roes:ok.. -Micky: I are never gonna stay, are you? -Rose: There‘s just so much out there, so much to see.. I‘ve got to -Micky: Yes -Jackie:I reckon you’re mad. The pair of you. It‘s like you go looking for trouble. -10th: Trouble‘s just the bits in between. It’s all waiting out there, Jackie. Everything‘s brand-new to me. All those planets, creatures and horizons. I haven‘t seen them yet, not with these eyes. And it is gonna be... fantastic! -Rose: That hand of yours still gives me the creeps.So, where are we gonna go first? -10th: Um... that way..No, hold on..that way.. -Rose: That way. -10th:D’you think? -Rose:yeah, that way - -Rose: 好美啊。那是什么?流星吗? -10th:那是在太空中爆炸的飞船。这些不是雪,是灰烬。 -Rose:好吧,那就不美了。 -10th:现在这是一个崭新的地球。外星人的存在再也无可质疑了,大家都看见了。一切都是崭新的。 -Rose: 那你呢?接下来有什么打算? -10th:我啊...回到Tardis里,过从前的生活咯。 -Rose: 就你一个人么? -10th: 你要来吗? -Rose: 好啊。 -10th:确定吗? -Roes:当然啊! -10th: 我以为。。以为我变了。。 -Rose:我也以为因为你变了,你就不再需要我了? -10th:不,我很乐意跟你一起去。 -Rose:好呀! -Micky:你就没想过留下来对吗? -Rose:外面的世界太精彩了。。能见识很多东西,我要去。 -Micky:我觉得你疯了,你们两个。专喜欢找麻烦。 -10th:麻烦只是一点儿,外面有许多东西等着我们。他们都在那里等我呢,Jackie。一切对我来说都是崭新的,那些行星,生物,视野,我还没看过呢。至少没用这眼睛看过..而那一定会是。。很精彩的。 -Rose:你的手还是使我起鸡皮疙瘩的。那我们先去哪里? -10th:额。。那里吧。。不。。等等。。那一边 -Rose:那一边? -10th:好吗? -Rose:好啊!