【磨耳朵第二周】Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek

【磨耳朵第二周】Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek

2020-01-17    12'27''

主播: 贝拉妈妈启蒙英语

196 2

The five little monkeys are ready for bed. 五只小猴子要准备睡觉了。 Their mama's going dancing. She's dressed in bright red. 它们的妈妈穿着鲜艳的红色衣服要出去跳舞。 "Lulu's the sitter. You'd better be good. “LULU是来照看你们的,你们最好乖一点, No tricks! No silliness! 不准恶作剧!不准胡闹! Is that understood?" 听明白了吗?” "We'll be good!" Shout the monkeys. “我们会很乖的!”小猴子们叫道 "We'll play hide - and - seek! “我们会玩捉迷藏! Hey, lulu, you're it! 哈哈,Lulu你来抓我们, And you'd better not peek!" 而且,你最好不要偷看!” "Just one game", says Lulu. LULU说“就只玩一个游戏哦。 Then it's right off to the bed. 然后你们就要去睡觉, Your bedtime’s at eight. 你们睡觉的时间是八点, That's what your mama said." 这是你们的妈妈说的。” Lulu starts counting Lulu开始数数了, She counts up to ten 她数到10。 "Ready or not, here I come!" “准备好了吗?我要来啦!” "Where are those monkeys? “小猴子们在哪? Where did they go? 他们去哪了? Where are they hiding? 他们藏在哪? I really don't know! 我真的不知道了!” "But wait! I see some fingers “哦,等等。我看到了几只手指头。 I see some toes. I see some eyes. I see a nose.” 我看到几只脚指头。我看见了几只眼睛。和一个鼻子。” "No fair," shout the monkeys. “这不公平!”猴子们叫道。 "You found us too fast! “你找的也太快了。 Let's play one more game, 我们再玩一遍, And this will be the last." 这是最后一个游戏。” "Hold on!" says Lulu, “嘿,等等," LULU说。 "It's time for bed. No tricks! No silliness! 你们该睡觉了,不准恶作剧!不准胡闹! That's what your mama said." 这是你们的妈妈交代给我的。” "Oh, please", say the monkeys. “哦,不,求求你了。 "Just one game more? 就这一次! And this time can you count to at least twenty-four?" 这次你至少要数到24好吗?” "Okay," sighs Lulu, “好吧。”LULU叹了口气说。 she's counting to four, 当LULU数到4的时候, when those monkeys start sneaking right out the front door. 这些猴子偷偷从前门溜出去了。 "She'll never find us out here!" “她在这永远也找不到我们了!" "Where are those monkeys? “小猴子们在哪? Where did they go? 他们去哪了? Where are they hiding? 他们藏到哪儿了? I really don't know!" 我是真的不知道了!” "But wait! I see some fingers. “但是,等等。我看到了手指头。 I see some toes. I see some eyes. I see a nose.” 我看到了脚指头。我看到了一些眼睛。 和一只鼻子。” "No fair," shout the monkeys. “哦不”,猴子们说。 "You found us too fast! “你找的也太快了! Let's play another game. And this will be the last.” 我们再玩另外一个游戏,最后一个。” "Hold on!" Says Lulu. “等一下!”Lulu说, "It's past time for bed. “现在已经过了睡觉时间了。 No tricks! No silliness. 不准恶作剧!不准胡闹! That's what your mama said.” 你们妈妈说过的。” But the monkeys convince her to play one game more, 但是小猴子们还是说服了她再玩一个游戏。 and Lulu starts counting to one hundred and four. LULU开始数数,数到104. "Quick, " shout the monkeys, “快点!”猴子们叫道。 "we all need to hide in a place she won't think of——somewhere inside.” 我们要藏到一个她想不到的地方——屋里的某个地方。” "Let’s hide in the closet!" “我们藏到壁橱里!” "No, behind the chair." “不,我们藏到椅子后面。” "No, under this table." “不,我们藏到桌子下面。” "But she’ll find us there." “但是她会找到我们的。” "Wait, "says one monkey, “等等。”一只猴子说。 She heads for the hall. 她朝大厅去了, "I know a place she won't think of at all." 我知道一个她怎么也想不到的地方。” "Ready or not, here I come!" “准备好了吗?我要来找你们啦!” Lulu stops counting. LULU停下数数。 She looks all around. 她看了看周围。 "Where are those monkeys?" “小猴子去哪了?” There isn't a sound! 一点声音都没有! She looks behind bushes, she searches the tree. 她找了灌木丛里,又在树上找。 She hunts in the closets. 她翻遍了壁橱。 Where can they be? 小猴子们能藏到哪去呢? Under the table? 桌子下面? Behind the big chair? 大椅子后面? Those five little monkeys aren't anywhere. 那些猴子们不见了! "Come on, you monkeys! It's past time for bed. No tricks! No silliness!" “噢,别这样,小猴子们!已经过了睡觉时间了,不准恶作剧!不准胡闹!” “That's what your mama said.” 你们妈妈说过的。” Lulu is worried, "Where can they be? LULU开始担心起来。“他们到底在哪! They'll never get to bed, and their mama will blame me. 他们不上床睡觉,猴子妈妈会责怪我的!” Just then, in comes Mama. 就在这时,猴妈妈回来了。 "Did the children behave?” "小猴子们表现的还好吗?"妈妈问。 “They are gone", Lulu wails. “他们不见了!”LULU哭泣着说。 She tries to be brave. 但她还是尽量表现镇定。 “Gone?”, says Mama. “不见了?”妈妈说。 She scratches her head. 她挠了挠头。 “I just peeked in their window and saw them in... …BED.” “我刚刚偷偷看了他们的窗户,我看到他们在……床上!” "We fooled you!” Shout the monkeys. “你被我们耍了!”猴子们叫道。 "Now, let's play again. Lulu, you hide. And we'll count to ten.” “现在,我们再玩一遍。LULU,你去藏。我们数到10。” "No way!" says Lulu. “没门!”LULU喊到。 "You've got to go to sleep. “你们最好赶紧去睡觉。 But if you want to count, 但是,如果你们想数数的话, I'll help you count...sheep" 我可以帮你们数.......羊”