【磨耳朵第二周】Five little monkeys wash the car

【磨耳朵第二周】Five little monkeys wash the car

2020-01-17    14'53''

主播: 贝拉妈妈启蒙英语

212 2

The five little monkeys and Mama, 五只猴子和妈妈 can never drive far in their rickety, 对于那辆摇摇晃晃破旧的汽车一点办法都没有。 rattletrap wreck of a car. 这辆破旧的老汽车喷着烟,浑身脏兮兮的。 "I've had it!" says Mama. “我受够了!”妈妈大叫道。 "Let's sell this old heap!" “我们把这一堆(垃圾)卖掉吧!” She makes a big sign that says, CAR FOR SALE-CHEAP! 她做了一个大的牌子,上面写着,汽车销售---便宜! Then Mama goes in. 妈妈进去了。 "There's some work I should do." “我还有很多事情要做呢。” "Okay" say the monkeys. “好吧,”猴子们说。 "We have work too!" “我们也有很多事情要做!” "This car is so icky!" “这车太恶心了!” "So sticky and slimy!" “黏糊糊,脏兮兮的!” "How can we sell an old car that's so grimy?" “我们怎么能把这么脏的车卖掉呢?” "I KNOW !"says one little monkey. “我知道!”一只小猴子说。 So two little monkeys spray with a hose, 于是两只小猴子用水管喷射, while three little monkeys scrub the car till it glows. 另外三只小猴子擦洗车子直到车子闪闪发光。 "But the car is still rusty!" “但是汽车还是很旧!” "It stinks! Oh, pee-yew!" “他还是很臭!” "No one will buy it." “不会有人买的!” "What can we do?" “我们该做些什么?” "I know!" Says one little monkey. “我知道 !”一只小猴子想到了好办法 Then four little monkeys find paint in the shed. 然后四只猴子在车棚里面找到了颜料。 Blue, yellow and green, purple, pink and bright red. 蓝色、黄色和绿色、紫色、粉色和大红色。 They paint the old car with designs all around, 他们还在这辆旧车身上画了一些画, while one little monkey sprays perfume he found. 一只小猴子还喷了香水。 The five little monkeys sit down and wait. 五只猴子坐下来等着有人买车。 But no one comes by—and it’s getting late! 但是,没有一个人经过,而且天色渐渐变晚! "The car looks terrific!" “车子看起来棒极了!” "It smells so good too!" “闻起来也香香的!” "Maybe no one can see it here." “也许,车子在这里没人能看到。” "What should we do?" “我们该怎么办呢?” "I KNOW!" says one little monkey. “我知道!”一只小猴子说。 So three little monkeys start pushing the car . 然后三只小猴子开始推车。 The monkey who's steering can't see very far. 驾驶车的猴子不能看到远处。 Then one little monkey shouts, 然后一只小猴子大叫道: "Part it right here! Wait! “就停在这里!等一等! It's rolling too fast! 车子跑的太快了! Can't you stop? 你能停下来吗? Can't you steer?" 你能控制住吗?” The monkey who's steering can't reach the brake. 驾驶车的猴子不能够到刹车。 The car rolls downhill to the ……BROWN SWAMPY LAKE! 车子沿着山坡往下滚…滚到了棕色沼泽湖! "Well, now we're in trouble!" “好了,这下我们有麻烦了!” "We're stuck in this goo!" “我们被困在这粘糊糊的沼泽里了!” "We'll never get out." “我们出不去了!” "Oh, what can we do?" “噢,那我们该怎么办?” "WE KNOW!" rumbles a voice from the swamp. “我们知道!”从沼泽里传来低沉的声音。 "The CROCODILES!" “是鳄鱼!” Five little monkeys all shout. 五只小猴子大叫起来。 One crocodile says, "We'll help you get out!" 一只鳄鱼说,“我们可以帮你们弄出来! More crocodiles rise from the wet swampy goo. 更多的鳄鱼从粘呼呼的沼泽里站起来。 "We'll push this old car. “我们会帮推这辆旧车。 But YOU must push too." 但你们也必须来推。” The monkeys all quake. 小猴子们的颤抖着。 "What they say isn't true!" “他们说的不是真的!” "They'll eat us for supper!" “他们会把我们当晚餐吃了!” "Oh, what can we do?" “哦,那我们该怎么办?” "I KNOW!" says one little monkey. “我知道!”一只小猴子说。 "Oh, crocodiles!" she calls, “哦,鳄鱼们!”她说, "I heard you were strong! “我听说你们很强壮! But if you need our help, 但是如果你们需要我们的帮忙, I must have heard wrong." 我想我可能是听错了。” "We're strong!" roar the crocs. “我们强壮无比!”鳄鱼咆哮说。 "We're the strongest by far! “我们是目前世界上最强壮的!” And we can push anything 我们可以推动任何东西, --- even a car!" 何况是辆车!” So they puff and they pant till they look very ill. 因此,他们用力推车直到他们精疲力尽。 But they push that old car to the top of the hill. 不过他们已经把车子推到了山顶, Then one monkey whispers, 然后,一只猴子小声说, "We're still in a stew! “我们依然是他们的盘中餐! If they don't go home now, 如果他们现在不回家的话, what can we do?" 我们该肿么办?” "I KNOW!" says one little monkey . “我知道!”一只小猴子说。 "Poor crocs!" say the monkeys. “可怜的鳄鱼!”猴子们说。 "How tired you are! “看你们累的! You'll never walk home! 你们都不能走回家了吧! What you need is a ……CAR!" 你们需要的只是一辆……车!" The crocodiles buy it. 鳄鱼们把汽车买了下来。 They pay with a check, then climb right inside. 他们付了钱,爬到车里。 "We can use this old wreck!" “我们可以用这辆旧车了!” The monkeys all run to tell Mama their tale. 猴子们跑着去告诉妈妈他们的故事。 "You might have been eaten! " “你们差点要被吃掉!” (She's turning quite pale.) (妈妈的脸变的很苍白。) "We know!" say the monkeys. “我们知道!”猴子们说。 "We're lucky, it's true. “我们很幸运,这是事实。 But we did sell the car...Can we buy one that's new?" 而且我们确实卖掉了车子...我们可以再买辆新车子么?” The five little monkeys and Mama go shop 五只猴子和妈妈们去商店 for a fancy new car-with a convertible top! 买了一辆漂亮的新车-而且是敞篷的! And the crocodiles? 那些鳄鱼们呢? They really like their old heap. 他们确实喜欢他们的旧车。 It's such a fine car, for a long summer's... 真是一辆好车,整个长长的夏天......