How I wish, to have a door in the morning 我多么希望,有一个门口 The sunlights shine on the grasses 早晨,阳光照在草上 We stand upon the door 我们站着,扶着自己的门扇 Low the door is, but the sun shines 门很低,但太阳是明亮的 The grass is seeding 草在结它的种子 The wind is waving its leaves 风在摇它的叶子 We just stand, without saying anything 我们站着,不说话 Everything is fine 就十分美好 Having a door, don't need to open it 有门,不用开开 It belongs to us 是我们的 Everything is fine 就十分美好
上一期: Gift
下一期: 无问西东