

2020-06-28    02'35''

主播: 娜叫一个亮

176 1

The Quiet Life 平静的生活 Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound Content to breathe his native air In his own ground 这种人真幸福,几亩祖田 包揽了他的关注和希冀 满足地呆在自家的田间 吸故乡空气 Whose herds with milk whose fields with bread Whose flocks supply him with attire Whose trees in summer yield him shade In winter fire 牛群供给他牛奶,土地供给他面包 羊群给他做衣服的羊毛 他的树林夏日送凉快 冬日送燃料 Blest,who can unconcernedly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In health of body, peace of mind Quiet by day 这种人真可算是有福气 能漫不经心看时光流逝 身体既健康,心情又安谧 白天里闲适 Sound sleep by night; study and ease Together mixed; sweet recreation And innocence which most does please With meditation 黑夜里酣睡,研习和休憩 交叉在一起,愉快地消遣 纯真的本性, 伴着沉思 最使人心欢 Thus let me live, unseen, unknown Thus unlamented let me die Steal from the world, and not a stone Tell where I lie 我生前愿这样隐没无名 我死后愿无人为我哭泣 悄然去世后没石碑标明 我的葬身地
上一期: 十四行诗116
下一期: 月光行