

2017-12-06    23'50''

主播: yikiqiuqiu

55 1

点餐英语4大块之餐厅点餐 预定 提出特殊需求 就餐环境 就餐遇到问题怎么办 付款 如何点牛排 等等 I’d like to make a dinner reservation for tomorrow night at 7:30. 我想预定个位置,明晚7点半就餐 How many (people) in your party? 你们几个人? How many will there be tonight? Just two. Two people. There are six of us. A table for six. Can I get your name and phone number? 能告诉我您的名字和电话号码吗? So, I have a reservation for a party of six, under the name… tomorrow night at 7:30. 所以,明晚7点半,以…的名字预定了6个人就餐的位置 We’ll also need one high chair and one booster seat. 我们还需要一个婴儿高椅和一个儿童椅子 Can we have a table near the window? 我可以要个靠窗的位子吗? Can we have a table on the balcony? 我可以要个阳台的桌子吗?