怡帆老师微课—other\the others\others\another的辨析

怡帆老师微课—other\the others\others\another的辨析

2016-06-14    06'07''

主播: 怡帆老师

5767 43

other/another/others/the others的用法辨析 1 other adj 其他的 放在名词前面 Some people like eating hot food while other people like eating sweet food. 一些人喜欢吃辣的食物而另外一些人喜欢吃甜的食物。 2 other pron 其他的 one….the other 一个………另一个 (只有两者的情况下使用) I have two good friend. One is a doctor , the other is a teacher. 我有两个好朋友。一个是医生,另一个是老师。 3 others pron 其他的 =other+名词 Some people like eating hot food while others like eating sweet food. 4 the others pron 其他的 (表示某一特定的范围的其他的) There are thirty students in our class. Some students are playing football and the others are all dancing and singing. 我们班有30个学生,一些人正在踢足球另外一些人正在唱歌和跳舞。5 another adj/pron 另一个(表示三者或者三者以上的另外一个) Could you give me another apple./ Could you give me another? 你能再给我一个苹果吗? I will stay in Jinan for another two weeks. 我打算在济南再待两周。 Another+数词+可数名词复数=数词+more+可数名词复数。 another three years= three more years.