瓦尔登湖三人行(128)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(3) 腾讯版

瓦尔登湖三人行(128)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(3) 腾讯版

2021-12-02    67'42''

主播: 古卫东

109 1

2021年12月2日晚8:00——9:00 瓦尔登湖三人行(128)直播实况录制 文本 Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 128) 10. Baker Farm (No.3) [3] I set out one afternoon to go a-fishing to Fair Haven, through the woods, to eke[iːk] out my scanty fare of vegetables. My way led through Pleasant Meadow, an adjunct of the Baker Farm, that retreat of which a poet has since sung, beginning, - "Thy entry is a pleasant field, Which some mossy fruit trees yield Partly to a ruddy[ˈrʌdɪ] brook, By gliding musquash[ˈmʌskwɒʃ] undertook[ˌʌndəˈtʊk], And mercurial[mɜːˈkjʊərɪəl] trout, Darting about." I thought of living there before I went to Walden. I "hooked" the apples, leaped the brook, and scared the musquash and the trout. It was one of those afternoons which seem indefinitely long before one, in which many events may happen, a large portion of our natural life, though it was already half spent when I started. By the way there came up a shower, which compelled me to stand half an hour under a pine, piling[paɪl] boughs over my head, and wearing my handkerchief for a shed; and when at length I had made one cast over the pickerelweed, standing up to my middle in water, I found myself suddenly in the shadow of a cloud, and the thunder began to rumble with such emphasis[ˈemfəsɪs] that I could do no more than listen to it. The gods must be proud, thought I, with such forked flashes to rout a poor unarmed fisherman. So I made haste for shelter to the nearest hut, which stood half a mile from any road, but so much the nearer to the pond, and had long been uninhabited[ˌʌnɪnˈhæbɪtɪd]: - "And here a poet builded, In the completed years, For behold a trivial[ˈtrɪvɪəl] cabin That to destruction steers." So the Muse fables.(——) 我一天下午出发到纽黑文去钓鱼,穿过树林,想弥补食物中蔬菜的匮乏。我的路引我穿过普利森特草地 ,附属于贝克田庄,那一幽僻之所一个诗人曾吟yín唱过,开头是这样—— “入口是一片爽心的田野, 那里布满青苔的果木部分地 对一条饱满的溪流生产, 由滑过的麝鼠获得 还有那在周围横冲直撞的 银白的鳟鱼。” 在我去瓦尔登湖之前考虑过在那里生活。我“钩”那些苹果,跃那条溪流,吓吓那麝香鼠和鳟鱼。也就是在那其中的一个下午仿佛对一个人格外漫长,其中许多事情可能发生,属于我们自然生活的一大部分,虽然还没开始已经过了一半儿。路上来了场阵雨,弄得我在一棵松树下站了半小时,推一些树枝在头顶,戴上我的手帕当遮蔽;当我最终不得不扯一些梭鱼草过来护身,它们就高到我的腰间正站在水里,我猛然发现自己正在一朵云的阴影里,而且雷开始劈了,它的重点明确到我必须倾听。我想,众神一定很骄傲,用这种带叉的闪电击垮一个可怜的毫无武装的渔夫。于是我连忙到最近一个棚屋躲避,它的位置离任何路有半英里,可是离那湖也近这么多,而且好长时间没人住了—— “一个诗人建了它 建了有些年头了, 为了看这不起眼的小屋, 时光如何毁了它。” 缪斯这样讲述。——